31 March 2015

Prepositions and Prepositional Adverbs as Idioms


back and forth

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  • moving in one direction first and then in the opposite one;

     - She skates with a back and forth motion.

betwixt and between


  • between two choices or ideas or unwilling or unable to decide between them;

      - Brian couldn't decide whether to play or study; he was betwixt and between.

down - and - out or down and out (adj.; n.)


  • having no money, no luck and no opportunities;
      - Nobody loves you when you're down and out.

by and by

  • after a short period;
      - By and by Sarah appeared.

(turn a place) inside out


  • to search a place very thoroughly;
      - Andrew turned this place inside out looking for his keys.

on and off (also off and on)


  • intermittently;
     - The light kept flashing on and off all night long.

to and fro


  • back and forth;
     - The dog ran to and fro across the lawn.

round about

  • approximately;
      - I dropped my keys in the sand round about here somewhere, but I don't know exactly where.

over and out


  • said when you are talking to someone by radio in order to end the conversation;
     - The air controller signalled the end of his conversation with 'over and out'.

on and on


  • without stopping; continuously;
      - That song plays on and on. I wish they changed it.

Can you think of any other example?

26 March 2015

English4Employability Competition

The British Council SEE Into the Future: Skills, Entrepreneurship and Employment in the 21st Century initiative offers you an opportunity to take part in the SEE Into the Future – English4Employability competition and win a two week English language course in the UK!

If you are a graduate, postgraduate student or a young professional and would like to improve your English to get a job, this competition is right for you!

To take part in the competition you need to:

  1. Register on LearnEnglish
  2. Agree with the Terms and Conditions
  3. Post your answer to the question: ''Why do you need English for your employment?'' in the 'Add new comment' area
  4. Click 'Save'

Deadline: 30 March 2015, 17:00 (UTC+00:00)

Your written answer to the question 'Why do you need English for your employment?' should:

  • be between 80 and 100 words
  • be inspirational and creative
  • make a link between English skills and employment

Good luck!

24 March 2015

Webinar: Motivation Through Imagery

In this session, Terry will look at the significance of dreams and imagery. He will explore how you can help maintain motivation and self-belief through reflection, self-assessment and positive attribution. He'll also explore how encouraging students to take responsibility for their own learning can improve their chances of future success.

Join this webinar to learn how you can help your students positively maintain motivation through self-assessment and encouragement.

25 Mar (Wed) 3pm (UK Time)

and earn your Sertificate of Attendance

20 March 2015

My English Book 2015

The English Book organizuje nagradni konkurs za najbolji literarni rad ili strip na engleskom jeziku - My English Book 2015. Svi učenici osnovnih i srednjih škola iz Republike Srbije mogu poslati svoju priču, esej, pesmu ili strip na engleskom jeziku na temu po sopstvenom izboru. 

O izboru najboljih radova, koji će biti objavljeni u knjizi My English Book 2015, odlučiće stručni žiri. Knjiga će biti promovisana na Beogradskom sajmu knjiga u oktobru 2015, a tri najbolja rada će biti posebno nagrađena.

Rok za predaju radova: 30.04.2015.

Proglašenje nagrađenih i dodela nagrada: 30.05.2015.

Radovi se mogu dostaviti na imejl-adresu: myenglishbook@englishbook.rs 
poštom na The English Book, Staro sajmište 29, 11070 Beograd.


18 March 2015

The English Mobile App Learnathon Event

IATEFL-Hungary, in cooperation with the Regional English Language Office (RELO) for Central and Southeastern Europe, is proud to announce a Call for Participation in an exciting Learnathon event. The goal of the project is to promote the development of innovative mobile application promoting English language learning through a focus on global issues.

The Learnathon Event

For long days between May 4 and 8, 2015 in Budapest, teams will  participate in workshops on computer-assisted language learning, app development, social responsibility, and entrepreneurship, and will collaboratively develop the plan for an app. By the end of the week, each team will be expected to have  completed their plan for an English language learning app that raises awareness of a global, social or environmental issue, which they will present to a panel of judges comprised of professionals from a range of relevant disciplines.


Teams must submit an application using this online form by 30 March 2015 midnight CET.

Only one team from each of the 17 designated countries will be chosen by the selection board comprised of IATEFL-Hungary and RELO.

All travel and program costs for teams selected for participation will be covered by the event organizers.


The team designated first-place winner according to the evaluation criteria will be offered the opportunity to cooperate with an app developer on the actual production of the application.The winning team will also be offered the opportunity to travel to the 2016 Convention of the TESOL International Association in Baltimore, Maryland in the United States. Other teams may be eligible for runner-up prizes.

Requirements for Applicant Teams:

  • Teams must consist of  3 members.At least two team members must be early-to mid-career professional teachers of English or CLIL who have at least a Bachelor’s degree in teaching, and 5 or more years of English teaching experience, and are currently employed full time.
  • One team member can be a student in an undergraduate or graduate program, or be an early- to mid-career professional in another discipline.
  • Teams must consist of both male and female members.
  • All team members must have at least a C1 level of English language proficiency on the CEFR.
  • All team members must be both citizens and residents of one of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia
  • Teams should designate at least one alternate member, in case one of the existing members is unable to participate.
  • Teams must designate a ‘team captain’, who will act as the sole point of contact on this project.
  • This project supports inclusion and encourages individuals with disabilities to apply.

Ideal Candidate Criteria:

  • demonstrated true commitment/interest and experience in quality English as a Foreign Language education
  • shown commitment and experience in teaching social responsibility / global issues
  • proven to be highly experienced in developing, implementing, and evaluating a range of educational products/areas
  • sufficient experience in information management systems, including internet, mobile, and online environments that are relevant to such a project
  • demonstrated ability to operate effectively in a team
  • demonstrated excellent project management skills
  • proven high level of creativity, flexibility, and problem solving skills
  • demonstrated true commitment to and skills in teamwork and the efficient maintenance of a supportive, collaborative work environment
  • no prior travel to the U.S.

For further information, please write to office@iatefl.hu.

16 March 2015

Computer-based testing for young learners

Cambridge English Language Assessment presents a new webinar: Computer-based testing for young 
learners on Monday 23 March - 15.00 (UK time*) and Wednesday 25 March - 11.00 (UK time*).

This webinar is for teachers preparing pupils for Cambridge English: Young Learners tests. In this webinar you will find out about changes in education and assessment in relation to young learners. We also discuss the skills needed by young learners today and how good language tests have a positive impact on learning. We then take a closer look at the computer-based Cambridge English: Young Learners tests and see how they fit in with current teaching and assessment theory. In the final part of the webinar we will share some practical classroom ideas to prepare pupils for Cambridge English: Young Learners tests.

 Register for this webinar: 

10 March 2015

Noises Things Make


We often find it difficult to describe a sound precisely. However, there is clearly a difference between a rattle and a roar, a thud and a squeak. 

Try, in each section of the following items, to find a sound on the right that can be caused by each item on the left.

Most of these words can be used as nouns and verbs.


  1. leaves in the breeze                                                                                  sizzle
  2. a clock                                                                                                        creak
  3. a sack of potatoes falling from a great height                                        rustle
  4. bacon frying in the pan                                                                           whistle
  5. tyres when one brakes suddenly                                                              thud
  6. a door that needs oiling                                                                            bang
  7. wind through the trees                                                                              jingle
  8. keys in a pocket                                                                                        screech
  9. a bomb                                                                                                        tick


  1. rain on the roof                                                                                            crash
  2. a whip or a bone breaking                                                                         squeal
  3. a tap that can't be turned right off                                                             patter
  4. curtains in a draught                                                                                  whine
  5. wood burning on the fire                                                                            crack
  6. lions or a powerful engine                                                                         crackle
  7. a car going into a wall                                                                                  roar
  8. the high-pitched sound of a factory machine                                            drip
  9. tyres after sudden braking or little pigs                                                    squeak
  10. mice or a chair leg moving on the floor                                                     swish


  1. little bells or wine glasses                                                                              plop
  2. kettle boiling                                                                                                   hum
  3. the background sound of a fridge                                                               splash
  4. knives being scraped together                                                                       pop
  5. something heavy dropped into the sea                                                       tinkle
  6. a sugar lump dropped into the tea                                                               grate
  7. a champagne cork coming out                                                                      hiss                                                                                    

Can you do it on your own? Do you need a key?