back and forth
www. frozenmerchandiseaustralia.com.au |
- moving in one direction first and then in the opposite one;
- She skates with a back and forth motion.
betwixt and between
www.talkstandards.com |
- between two choices or ideas or unwilling or unable to decide between them;
- Brian couldn't decide whether to play or study; he was betwixt and between.
down - and - out or down and out (adj.; n.)
www.mixcloud.com |
- having no money, no luck and no opportunities;
- Nobody loves you when you're down and out.
by and by
- after a short period;
- By and by Sarah appeared.
(turn a place) inside outwww.edutopia.org |
- to search a place very thoroughly;
- Andrew turned this place inside out looking for his keys.
on and off (also off and on)
www.featurepics.com |
- intermittently;
- The light kept flashing on and off all night long.
to and fro
www.galleryhip.com |
- back and forth;
- The dog ran to and fro across the lawn.
round about
- approximately;
- I dropped my keys in the sand round about here somewhere, but I don't know exactly where.
over and out
www.travelweekly.co.uk |
- said when you are talking to someone by radio in order to end the conversation;
- The air controller signalled the end of his conversation with 'over and out'.
www.racebannon.com |
- without stopping; continuously;
- That song plays on and on. I wish they changed it.
Can you think of any other example?
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